
About Us

Skillmotor is a solution-focused developer of productivity and wellbeing. Our customers are listed companies, SMEs, family and cooperative businesses from various industries, as well as organizations and foundations from various areas of social life. With our help, they develop their operations in depth, from the owners' strategies to the everyday praxis of the personnel.

We serve customers where it is appropriate and convenient - in internationally and virtually. Skillmotor's head office is in Finland, where the facilities and milieu of the Villa Söder mansion in Vihti offer a cozy setting for working with small groups, boards, management groups and teams.

Sustainable solutions and quick results

We produce sustainable solutions for our customers' needs. We blow up the mental and functional silos of the organization, creating healthier, more sustainable and more efficient organizations. We always strive to produce verifiable permanent operational and cultural changes.

Skillmotor's philosophy is first to repatriate quick profits to the customer, then to agilely implement new solutions into the customers' everyday life, and finally to ensure the organization's sustainability and permanent structures. Development is an endurance sport, and taking new ways of doing things to the finish line is a matter of honor. We prefer agile personnel-oriented methods and, if necessary, unconventional creative methods. We know that laughter effectively connects people and opens doors in the brain. If the resistance to change is exceptionally strong, we enter through the back door.

Value for customers and society

Skillmotor is a pioneer developer of working life, whose roots are at the Institute of Occupational Health and the University of Helsinki. For us, interdisciplinary and research are always a guarantee of quality.

Systematic successes are manifested by hard facts, such as repeated "world records" by Skillmotor's customers, big jumps in sales, operational efficiency and quality, and customer and staff satisfaction. In addition, our projects have been the only ones in Finland to win the Annual Personnel Achievement Award twice (Vaasan & Vaasan Oy and Planmeca Oy).

We also serve the development of working life more generally. We have coordinated national research and development programs in which the best practices created have been spread across industries. We constantly cooperate actively with educational institutions. As a non-partisan operator, Skillmotor has been a trusted partner of national development agencies and labor market organizations. We have been involved in making reforms to collective agreements and laws.

Our studies have also created the basis for understanding, managing and developing many business phenomena. The small group method created on the basis of the Healthy Organization model has spread internationally. The method has proven to be effective in reforming organizations and increasing the well-being of personnel across country and cultural borders.

Cross-fertilization of science and applying it to everyday life

We have an academic background, but we don't stay in the pots of the university world. We boldly break the boundaries between sciences and cross-fertilize e.g. humanities, engineering and economics and psychology. Our customers are often pioneers who are not afraid of the new and different, let alone taboos. Skillmotor has also combined productivity and well-being even when it was not appropriate to talk about money and people in the same sentence. We developed know-how related to different forms of community and management (joint-stock companies, cooperatives, non-profits) already when diversity was not yet a buzzword.

Hop on a real journey of change with us – you may find that you get more than you asked!